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Theatre of Sound


Forté Ears is a brand that reflects Riccardo Yeh's profound love for Western opera and built upon his extensive expertise in the Hi-Fi industry. The name "Forté" plays on the stereotype of opera's powerful vocal and orchestral elements, symbolizing the brand's commitment to delivering robust and immersive audio experiences.

Forté Ears is dedicated to creating IEMs that are not only technically superior but also rich in artistic inspiration. Each model under the Forté Ears brand will be derived from characters from opera, art songs, ballet, and other theatrical arts. These characters' images, personalities, and background stories serve as symbolic inspirations for product design and tuning direction. Riccardo's deep understanding and connection with these characters allow him to draw maximum creativity from them, ensuring that each product is both visually and sonically distinctive.

Forté Ears is committed to pushing the boundaries of IEM technology, leveraging Riccardo's nearly 20 years of accumulated knowledge about sound and the audio technology field. The brand aims to create products that leave a lasting impression on users, combining technical excellence with a deep appreciation for the artistry and emotional impact of music.

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