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Raphael (Versa vers.)

Raphael's design inspiration is derived from one of the "Three Masters" of the Renaissance, the famous painter Raphael. He painted famous murals such as "The School of Athens" and "Mount Parnassus" in the Sistine Chapel's private chamber, and later completed the work "The Three Graces" in 1511. Eletech incorporates Raphael's fine artistic control of lines and colors, as well as his compositional philosophy, into the design of the cables.

The Gorgeous design

'Raphael' solidifies Eletech’s experience with working with flagship copper and gold materials, configurations and streamlined into a highly performing mix that is housed within the new “Virtues Series”. Raphael offers a highly resolving sound signature with being very organic sounding with a well textured warmth. Augmented by a Kevlar core, the "Raphael" is resilient while ensuring the structural stability of extremely high strand counts.

Sound Signature

Raphael produces an overall sound that is bright and glossy, with a concentrated density that features a pure and smooth midrange. Vocals are noticeably sweeter and smoother but without an overly embellished feeling. Unlike typical copper-plated and copper alloy wires, the Raphael retains the clarity and image focus of the mid to high frequencies while adding a sense of diffusion to the low frequencies. Additionally, the wide and bright soundstage and high analytical sound characteristics make it especially suitable for listening to jazz or vocal pieces.



4 Wires

Ultra High Purity Gold-Plated Copper + Gold-Copper Alloy

9 Core Litz

Kevlar Resilient Core

Cryogenically Treated

Eletech Customised connectors and Y-split

Individually Enamelled strands

FlexiMax Insulation™

- 聲峯耳機專門店/Apex Headphone (旺角星際城市)
- Broadway百老滙(旺角西洋菜南街)
- Jaben Hong Kong (旺角榮華大樓)
- Let's Go Audio (灣仔電腦城)
- Mongkok Station Limited - 旺角站 (旺角信和中心)
- NP Mall HK (荔枝角)
- RIGHT SHOP AUDIO (旺角信和中心&灣仔電腦城)
- 英京 SK-HK.com (銅鑼灣利園山道 & 旺角友誠商業中心)
- Master Studio(荃灣荃豐中心)
- Music Movie Driver(澳門連勝馬路165B號)


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